Intellectual Property Law

Intellectual Property (IP) law in the UAE is a set of legal rules and regulations that govern the protection and enforcement of intellectual property rights. The UAE recognises and protects a range of intellectual property rights, including trademarks, patents, copyrights and trade secrets.

The key legal instruments that govern IP law in the UAE include Federal Law No. 17 of 2002 on Copyrights and Related Rights, Federal Law No. 31 of 2006 on Industrial Regulation and Protection of Patents, Industrial Drawings, and Designs, and Federal Law No. 37 of 1992 on Trademarks. These laws establish the legal framework for the protection of IP rights in the UAE and provide for the registration, enforcement, and protection of these rights.

How We Assist the Pakistani Community with Intellectual Property Law

GCC Legal Consultants provides expert legal advice, support and representation. The firm can help clients protect their intellectual property, prevent infringement and achieve their business and personal objectives.

Trademark Registration
We can assist clients in registering their trademarks in the UAE. This includes conducting a trademark search to ensure the trademark is available for registration, preparing and filing the trademark application, and liaising with the relevant authorities to obtain registration.

Patent Registration
We can assist clients in registering their patents in the UAE. This includes conducting a patentability search to determine whether the invention is eligible for patent protection, preparing and filing the patent application, and liaising with the relevant authorities to obtain registration.

Copyright Protection
We can assist clients in protecting their copyright in the UAE. This includes advising clients on how to protect their works through registration or other methods and providing guidance on copyright infringement issues.