Cybercrime Law

The Cybercrime Law of the United Arab Emirates (UAE) is a legal framework designed to prevent and combat cybercrimes within the country. It was enacted by Federal Decree-Law No. 5 of 2012 which outlines the various cybercrimes that are prohibited in the UAE, and the corresponding punishments for each offense.

Some of the offenses that are covered under the Cybercrime Law include hacking, identity theft, cyber espionage, spreading false information online, cyberbullying and unauthorised access to computer systems. The law also covers offenses related to the use of social media, including the spread of rumors or fake news that may harm the national security of the UAE.

How We Assist the Pakistani Community with Cybercrime Law

We assist individuals and businesses understand the relevant laws, preventing cybercrime and navigating the legal process in the event of a cybercrime incident to help clients protect their legal rights and safeguard their personal and business interests.

Understanding Cybercrime Law
GCC Legal Consultants can help Pakistani nationals understand the relevant cybercrime laws in the UAE and their potential impact on their activities. Our law firm’s legal experts can guide the legal framework governing cybercrime, including relevant legislation, regulations and legal precedents.

Cybercrime Prevention
We can provide advice and support on how to prevent cybercrime, how to safeguard personal and business information, best practices for secure online activity and steps to take if an individual or business is a victim of cybercrime.

Cybercrime Investigation and Prosecution
If an individual or business becomes a victim of cybercrime, GCC Legal Consultants can guide how to proceed with an investigation and prosecution. The firm can advise on the legal process for reporting cybercrime to the relevant authorities, as well as provide legal representation in the event of a criminal trial.